Buy Foreclosures

Yes, foreclosures may be cheap, but they are not easy to find or to buy.  If you are thinking about investing in a great buy in real estate, this may be the chance.   We know where foreclosures are and negotiate with the Seller the moment a Lis Pendens is filed in the Courts to approach distressed property ahead of a foreclosure auction where a bidding war ensues.

We negotiate with the Sellers, the Banks, their Attorneys, the Association, and all lien holders including the County to invest in the RIGHT PROPERTY.

In case you’re thinking about turning the property around, we can help you do that as well.

How it works:

  1. We negotiate a reduction in debt and costs with banks and other financial entities.
  2. We analyze rental prices,  the cost of maintaining the property, or the resale price and profits.
  3. Victor Bao PA will take a 6% commission for its efforts, or a % of ownership of the property for that amount.

You will also get more money from equity on the property in addition to the annual rental income.

Go ahead and try to fill it in and start and call us at (786) 325-2222.